What is Employer Identification Number (EIN)?

EIN is a 9 digit unique number assigned by the IRS to identify a business entity for the purpose of tax administration. EINs are acquired by employers, corporations, sole proprietors, government agencies, partnership firms, non-profit associations, trusts, estates of descendents, certain individuals, and other business entities. As far as truck owners are concerned, EIN is necessary to file your form 2290 and Form 8849.

How To Apply For An EIN?

You can apply for EIN online with the IRS and get the same back within minutes. To get your EIN online, log on to www.irs.gov and submit your information during the online session. Form SS-4 filing is not required anymore. Once you submit your answers to the online questions from the IRS, you will immediately receive your EIN after all required validations are done. You can then download, save, and print your confirmation notice.

Is there any EIN Daily Limitation?

Effective May 21, 2012, to ensure fair and equitable treatment for all taxpayers, the IRS has limited EIN issuance to one per responsible party per day. This limitation is applicable to all requests for EINs whether online or by phone, fax or mail.

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Visit www.taxseer.com to e-file IRS 1099,
W-2, and ACA (1095 B & 1095 C) forms